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NISM Merchant Banking Free Mock Test

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NISM Merchant Banking Mock Test Free 1

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1. Which Act deals with laws relating to listed as well as unlisted Companies?

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2. Warrants can be issued along with public issue or rights issue of specified securities and a specified security may have ________ warrant(s) attached to it.

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3. Who are the major investors in government securities market in India?

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4. As per SEBI (ICDR) Regulation, the aggregate reservation on competitive basis for employees shall not exceed ___ percent of the post issue capital of the issuer.

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5. If the shares are not allotted to the investor than the Merchant Banker has to refund the application money within how many days from the date of closure of issue?

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6. SCORES system of SEBI does not deal with any complaints which fall under the purview of the other regulatory bodies i.e., IRDAI, PFRDA etc. State whether True or False.

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7. In which market, securities are issued to investors for the first time?

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8. Takeover is the acquisition of substantial _________ for the purpose of seeking management control of the company.

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9. Which of the following ways are used by the Promoters to dilute/offload their holding in listed companies?

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10. Offer Document is _______ called in case of a public issue or offer for sale.

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11. Which of the following document(s) need to be maintained by the merchant banker for a minimum period of 5 accounting years?

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12. _____is a fund that can invest in either all of the securities or a representative sample of securities included in the index.

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13. The issuer and the merchant banker have to ensure that specified securities are allotted and/or application money are refunded within _______ from the date of closure of the issue.

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14. A public issue can be declared to be closed even if _______ of it is subscribed.

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15. No advertisement shall be issued giving any impression that the issue has been fully subscribed or oversubscribed during the period the issue is open for subscription. State whether True or False.

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16. Derivatives in which of the underlying assets are allowed in the Indian Market?

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17. The SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of shares and takeovers) Regulations, 2011 ensures greater transparency, fairness, and equitable treatment to all investors. State whether True or False.

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18. Which Act aims at prohibiting anti-competitive agreements, abuse of dominant position by enterprises and regulates combinations (acquisition, acquiring of control and M&A), which causes or likely to cause an appreciable adverse effect on competition within India?

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19. The merchant banker leading a public offer is popularly known as the ‘Lead Manager’. State whether True or False.

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20. Who is required to look into and monitor the redressal of the investor grievances, if any which has arisen during issue management process?

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21. Which of the following activities does the merchant banker have to perform in the process of Issue Management?

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22. Merchant Banker is involved in which of the following activities?

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23. A specified security may have one or more warrant attached to it. State whether True or False?

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24. A rights issue shall be open for subscription for a minimum period of _______ days.

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25. A Merchant Banker applicant should have how many people in his employment who should be experienced to conduct the business of Merchant Banker?

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26. M/s ABC has come out with a public issue and its issue gets oversubscribed on the first day itself. Can it advertise this in newspapers before the issue closing date?

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27. Department of Economic Affairs handles all matters related to the disinvestment of Government of India shareholding in Central Public Sector Enterprises. State whether True or False.

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28. Who appoints the accountants and the auditors who help in reviewing and auditing financials and preparing financial statement as per SEBI (ICDR) Regulations for inclusion in the offer Document?

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29. Which Act/Regulation prescribes the general obligations to be followed by Issuers and other intermediaries who are related with the process of issue management?

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30. As per the SEBI (Certification of Associated Persons in Securities Markets) Regulations, 2007, a certificate is valid for a period of ______ from the date of grant of certificate or revalidation as the case may be.

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31. Which SEBI Regulation applies to delisting of equity shares of a company from all or any of the recognised stock exchanges where such shares are listed?

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32. Every merchant banker shall submit to SEBI complete particulars of any transaction for acquisition of securities of any Body Corporate whose issue is being managed by that merchant banker within ______ from the date of entering into such transaction.

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33. __________ are the activities performed by a Merchant Banker.
I - Merger and Acquisition;
II - Stock Trading;
III - Printing and Distribution of application forms;
IV - Issue of debt securities.

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34. The escrow account opened for the purpose of fulfilling delisting requirements shall consist of either cash deposited with a scheduled commercial bank, or a bank guarantee in favour of the merchant banker, or a combination of both. State whether True or False?

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35. Who is a Qualified Institutional Buyer?

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36. The fees payable by the merchant banker on grant of certificate of registration should be by a demand draft in favour of ‘Association of Investment Bankers of India (AIBI)’ payable at Mumbai. State whether True or False.

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37. Merger is necessarily amongst two equal or comparable stature companies. State whether True or False.

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38. The SLR and CRR rates are decided by which of the following regulatory bodies?

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39. The issuer and the merchant banker shall ensure that the security created to secure the debt securities is adequate to ensure ____ asset cover for the debt securities.

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40. A promoter of XYZ company wants to raise resources through public issue. He was barred from accessing the capital market last year by SEBI on account of insider trading. Is he eligible to come out with public issue?

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41. Under ASBA facility, investors apply in __________ by using their bank account.

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42. When one company takes over another and clearly establishes itself as the new owner, the purchase is called a Merger- State True or False ?

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43. Further Public Offer (FPO) can be made only through book building issues through the stock exchange route. State whether True or False?

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